Rustic Bed

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Tips For Selecting A Rustic Bed

Creating a rustic theme in your bedroom can be so easy with a rustic bed and a few antiques that will blend with your theme. This will create a “homey” atmosphere that will complement the rest of your furniture.

Much of the Log furniture these days have an individual design because the material comes straight from mother nature. Anything related to nature with a natural rustic feel will always be in fashion. Traditional furniture is too commonplace when you are trying to create a unique, warm and inviting room with a country flare.

Benefits Of Rustic Beds

A Rustic bed is a perfect choice for your bedroom because it can last a lifetime. Many times this type of furniture is durable since it’s made from hardwoods like oak, cedar, hickory, maple, walnut, and pine.

Since the beds are made from natural wood and metal materials and hand crafted by furniture makers, there will be no two pieces of furniture exactly alike. But the point is that these rustic beds and their designs are more unique than the modern bed designs that you can find on the market.

Log furniture compared to the more conventional type of furniture can be seen as more practical since they are usually constructed from solid wood. Another thing that makes them more unique is that they are usually handcrafted rather than machine made.

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Many of the rustic beds are considered more freestyle because the type of wood used has its irregularities and imperfections that accentuate the design of the log. Rustic furniture with deep rich wood grains really accentuate the design and show their age, beauty and strength.

Some Doctors may recommend rustic bed frames for their patients with back problems. Since some of these beds are built with a solid frame, they will create a firmness for the mattress that will help with sagging that a cheap frame might have. Not only you will enjoy the comfort of lying in a bed made of solid wood, but you could also benefit from the relief it will give to your back problems.

Rustic Bed Pricing

Rustic bedroom furniture can have a wide range of prices from very expensive to very cheap depending on the type of wood, the workmanship, if they are considered antiques or machine made. will range from expensive pieces to economical ones.

Both still have the same durability but an added cushioning and iron may add a little to the price. You may opt for simpler rustic furniture, cheaper price with the same wood and functionality.

Rustic beds have different sizes like the traditional ones. They come in single, double, queen and king sizes that will best suit your needs. They also have South Western, Mexican, and Spanish styles that you can choose from.

Remember that when choosing a bed you are investing on your happiness, health and well-being. You should opt to have a rustic bed with style, comfort, good health, and easy on the budget; you can never go wrong.

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